Workshop on “Do Wonders”

IET OnCampus CUI Abbottabad Network collaborated with MASHAL Pakistan to execute this workshop at our Institute in a healthy environment to provide all necessary information about these full funded opportunities to the students. This event was held on
 November 17, 2017. The workshop was well attended. 

There were 80 participants (more or less) in the workshop while the workshop was planned for 60 participants. The participants were almost from all the semesters of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical (Power, Electronics & Computer). 

(Speaker of the session Ms. Laraib Abid receiving appreciation shield from HOD (EE))

Some participants were from Master of Engineering in Electrical. The main honored for us that some of our teachers also attended workshop. It was the joint efforts of Team IET under the guidance of Dr. Jawad Saleem and Dr. Abdul Majid.

(Team IET with OnCampus facilitator Dr. Jawad Saleem and Dr. Abdul Majid)

Workshop on “Do Wonders” Workshop on “Do Wonders” Reviewed by Engr Babar Ali on April 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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