The workshop introduced the audience to LaTeX tool and present practical tips required to create professional articles (papers, reports) in LaTeX.
What is LaTeX?
LaTeX is a high quality typesetting system. It includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX has a few advantages over MS Word when it comes to specific document types. It has unparalleled stability when it comes to large documents (theses, books, or technical reports) with many cross-references, tables, graphs and sections. It is platform-independent and software independent.
The workshop covered:
- Introduction to LaTeX
- Introduction to Texnic Center
- Basic pdf output with LaTeX
- Equations in LaTeX
- Tables in LaTeX
- Figures in LaTeX
- Bibliography in LaTeX
- Hands on task
- Scientific writing in LaTeX
Dr.Shahid Khatak, Chairman Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering was the guest speaker of this workshop.
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